We educate bright and talented students who are struggling with mild cognitive, processing, sensory, and social disorders. We seek to enhance their strengths while directly addressing their individual needs in a warm, supportive, and creative environment. For years, our generous corporate and private sponsors, have bridged the gap in meeting education needs that go beyond the school’s budget. Our purpose is to provide our children with exceptional opportunities through parent and community support. We are in need of new technology, playground equipment and a wide variety of classroom enhancements. Every year, we work closely with school leadership and staff to identify and provide funding for needs across all areas of the school. We truly believe every child in this community should have the opportunity for a superior education experience. We have spent the last several years focusing on technology and thanks to the generous support of this community have been able to provide every classroom with several technology upgrades.
Vermilion Bend is asking for your continued support. There are many ways to support our organization. All proceeds go directly to upgrading the safety and education experience at Vermilion Bend Academy. We ask that you consider sponsoring, participating or contributing to our upcoming school year.
Our vision is to become the premier learning institute of the south that best serves the needs of the children with learning differences and their parents while fully maximizing the child’s learning potential.
Our purpose is three fold: To teach to the child’s strengths and help them to compensate for their weaknesses, giving them various strategies to attempt a problem, and finally, giving them individual attention to build their self-esteem.
You can participate by
Sponsoring a student's annual tuition costs through our scholarship program.
Donate or purchase any equipment from our technology needs or wish list.
Sponsor a student's annual field trip expenses.
Donate or purchase any equipment on our elective program's need list
wish list
Ten MacBook Pro laptops
Fifty iPads or Kindles
Five promethium boards
Five apple t.v's
Five Beats Pills
Commercial playground equipment
Sensory room equipment
Hanging chairs
Fifty matching new desks
Station toys
Thirty Math-U-See manipulation sets
Gardening tools/gloves/plants/soil
Five 5ft ultimate sacks (huge beanbags)
Ten sillysack body sensory socks